The average house price on ALLSOPS PLACE is £147,636
The most expensive house in the street is 12 ALLSOPS PLACE with an estimated value of £170,658
The cheapest house in the street is 4A ALLSOPS PLACE with an estimated value of £137,292
The house which was most recently sold was 14 ALLSOPS PLACE, this sold on 23 Oct 2023 for £70,000
The postcode for ALLSOPS PLACE is S41 8SN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4A ALLSOPS PLACE Terraced £137,292 £97,000 19 Nov 2015
6A ALLSOPS PLACE Terraced £143,111 £140,000 13 Jul 2022
8 ALLSOPS PLACE Terraced £139,484 £94,000 29 May 2015
12 ALLSOPS PLACE Terraced £170,658 £100,000 17 Nov 2006
14 ALLSOPS PLACE Terraced £70,000 23 Oct 2023